Shane is an 18 year old young man who stands at 5" something. He has hair that is some colour or another. He was last seen in Portarlington, talking to two males in a white car, wearing... well... truth be told, I can't specify what he was wearing either.
Shane was at an 18th birthday party when he disappeared. He has been missing since Saturday.
I wish I could tell you more about Shane. Who he is, what he looks like, even just providing his second name would be an improvement. But I can't. This is because the news of Shane's disappearance came to me through word of mouth, a friend knew a friend at the party who knew a friend of Shane. The disappearance of this young man has not been made public at all.
So far, since the day of his disappearance, there has been 1 official search for Shane. This was initiated up by his community, not GuardaĆ officials.
Why hasn't this been made public? How can Ireland keep news stories going for weeks upon weeks, of little girls going missing in England and all sorts of European countries, when they cannot even report the disappearence of somebody who belongs to our own country?
Shane is not the only missing persons case not being publisised. There are people every day, who, for one reason or another, go away and never come back, that we just don't hear of.
So seeing as the media would prefer to talk about the economy (becuase we haven't heard about that in "ages" ... :\ ) and over-weight Ministers of Health getting cheese thrown at them, seeing as the media would rather speak of this politicain saying that and that politician saying this, instead of doing what they are supposed to do, which is report news that would be in the interest of the public, such as the disappearance of the people who belong to our nation, we have to take it upon ourselves to look after eachother.
We have to mind eachother. Look out for one another. Watch eachother.
Seeing as Shane's disappearance has been left to word of mouth around the County instead of the paper's to deal with nationwide, all we can do is hope and pray he is fouond. Maybe his family will get enough missing posters put up so that a couple of hundred people will know to keep an eye out for him. Hopefully they will hand some into different pictures of him into Guarda stations in each town, in a few counties, and hopefully he'll be spotted.
Hopefully. But doubtably. Please don't forget, we need to mind eachother when we're out at night, even when you're at a party and you think everyone around you is somebody that you can trust.
Just mind yourself and your friends.
Just because no one has heard of Shane outside of his community, does not mean that the pain inside his community is bearable, or will pass. This problem won't go away like Shane did.
93% of abductions end in the death of the victem after 24 hours.
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